Meme Assignment

                                                MEME ASSIGNMENT

During the crucial 1787 ratification process of the US Constitution, two major political movements—the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists—rose to popularity in American history. Federalists supported a powerful central government, and their ranks included notable individuals like John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. They held that upholding law and order, defending individual liberties, and fostering economic stability all required a strong national authority.

The Constitution, according to the Federalists, offers a well-balanced system of checks and balances that prevents any one branch of government from growing too dominant. They therefore vigorously defended the document. The Anti-Federalists, who were led by notable individuals like Patrick Henry and George Mason, were on the opposing side of the argument. This group had serious doubts about the viability of a strong central government because they believed it would violate citizens' rights and bring about a kind of despotism akin to that of British rule. A more decentralized structure that would protect state autonomy was advocated by the Anti-Federalists. In order to clearly list and defend people' rights, they also pushed for the adoption of a Bill of Rights. This ideological conflict was expressed in a number of passionate essays and passionate discussions, most famously in the Federalist Papers, which were written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay in defense of the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalist Papers, which expressed objections and worries. In order to allay the fears of the Anti-Federalists and ensure the broad ratification of the Constitution, which laid the foundation for the American form of government that persists today, the conflict was resolved with the promise of amending the document to add a Bill of Rights.

Self grade- I feel like I deserve 10 points cause this assignment was something really new to me. I gave a lot of time and effort to make sure that my work aligns with the specific requirements.  I think the meme conveys my point quite well. There might have been some errors that I missed, therefore I would still like to hear my professor's perspective.


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